As Europe embraces the Fourth Industrial Revolution the path to digitize European industry is being laid out by pioneering initiatives such as 5TONIC. The Madrid-based Open 5G Lab, which is headquartered at the research institute IMDEA Networks, provides a top-notch environment for research and innovation on the communications networks of the future.

09 Jun 2017
To tackle this all-important question in the Digital Age, the research Institute IMDEA Networks, in collaboration with University Carlos III of Madrid, has just celebrated its 9th Annual Workshop under the motto: «Enabling future internet applications: networking, privacy and security challenges».

08 Jun 2017
Once you grant an app permission to collect your information, it can share your data with anyone the app’s developer wants to – letting third-party companies track where you are, how fast you’re moving and what you’re doing.

01 Jun 2017
The open 5G research and innovation laboratory 5TONIC is proud to announce that ASTI has become its first industrial collaborator. ASTI (Automatismos y Sistemas de Transporte Interno) is a leading international engineering firm that builds made-to-measure automated intralogistics optimization solutions, ranging from traditional materials-handling equipment like conveyors and handlers through to latest-generation systems such as automated guided vehicles (AGVs).

18 May 2017
IMDEA Networks’ Director Arturo Azcorra, one of the top European experts on fifth generation communication networks (5G), travelled to the US earlier this month with a clear roadmap: to present three leading examples of the successful partnership between industry and academia currently driving innovation and research in communication networks in Europe, at two key venues that are cornerstones for the international research community.

12 May 2017
IMDEA Networks’ scientific production ranks 5th at INFOCOM 2017. The Madrid research Institute has presented ten scientific articles at the 2017 edition of what most networking researchers consider the most impactful annual conference in the field of communication networks: INFOCOM. The Institute’s Deputy Director, Albert Banchs, has authored four of these articles.

10 May 2017
The University Carlos III of Madrid awards a team of IMDEA Networks’ predoctoral researchers the Trophy to the Best International Team in its 2016/2017 Annual Futsal Competition.

28 Apr 2017
The 5TONIC laboratory is one of the winners of the Prizes to the 100 Best Business Ideas awarded by «Actualidad Económica», the Spanish leading economics and business magazine.

25 Apr 2017
ETSI releases a video of the first ETSI NFV interoperability test event, NFV Plugtests™, hosted by the 5TONIC lab at IMDEA Networks Institute in Madrid (Spain) at the start of the year. A great success to help NFV move forward!

20 Apr 2017
In an effort to ensure our scientific work has positive impact on the everyday lives of the billions of users of ICT communications worldwide, at IMDEA Networks we study the complexity of the various elements involved in the communication process, so that we can fine-tune them and create a more cohesive and harmonious whole. With this objective at heart the Institute launches a new line of research named «Network Measurements and Analytics».